Our packages.


My little chickadee.

personalized yoga & meditation
bridal savasana massage
rental space - 2 hours
framed group photos
memory video
custom bridal yoga mat
rental bridal party yoga mats
non-alcoholic juice bar
lavender-soaked cooling towels
curated playlist




personalized yoga & meditation
bridal savasana massage
intention-setting ceremony
rental space - 3 hours
framed group photos
memory video
custom bridal yoga mat
bridal party yoga mats
mimosa & juice bar
lavender-soaked cooling towels

The perfect hensemble.

personalized yoga & meditation
bridal savasana massage
intention-setting ceremony
custom bridal party robes
infused water bottles
rental space - 4 hours
framed group photos
digital memory album
memory video
custom bridal yoga mat
bridal party yoga mats
mimosa & juice bar
lavender-soaked cooling towels
curated playlist

Sisterhood is holding space for one another to be our full selves - whatever that looks like.
Messy or not. It’s loving each other while we figure out life.

Ashley Hobbs